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Recent News

Dora's new article on whistleblowing law and policy in the EU has been published by the Journal of European Integration. It is entitled: 
'J’accuse!’: whistleblowing, critical citizenship and the EU directive on whistleblowers’ protection'

Published online: 20 Feb 2024

Dora's paper on Academic Bulling and Human Rights with Morteza Mahmoudi is forthcoming in Human Rights Review (link)
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Dora spoke about the future of EU Citizenship at the 29th International Conference of Europeanists, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2023


FRA's Scientific Committee Conference in Lodz, Poland


European Union Studies Association, 18th Biennial International Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA


Dora's representation on bullying and Human Rights at the Academic Parity Conference in March 2023
Dora's Keynote on Academic Bullying and Human Rights
Dora will deliver a keynote on Academic Bullying and Human Rights at the Academic Parity Movement 3rd Annual Conference in March 2023
Jean Monnet Workshop on Covid, Citizenship and Crisis, Cork 2023
Dora presented her research on EU Citizenship post-COVID at the Jean Monnet Workshop on Covid, Citizenship and Crisis which was organised by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of University College Cork, Ireland on 19 January 2023.
Launch of INVOLVE
Dora discussed models of democracy and possible solutions to the democratic paradox displayed by all theories of democracy at the first meeting of the INVOLVE consortium in Brussels on 11 January 2023.

INVOLVE’s main objective is to help design scalable and generalizable strategies to reduce social, economic, and political inequalities. The project is funded by the European Commission's HORIZON-CL2-2022-DEMOCRACY-01-03 - The impact of inequalities on democracy.

For more details, please visit:
World Congress of Constitutional Law 2022
In the context of workshop 16 of WCCL on constitutional transformation and the 'Other' at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, on 6th December 2022, Dora presented her research on the othering of EU Citizens in the United Kingdom under Brexit and the cancellation of their rights.
 7th ECIT Annual Conference at Press Club Brussels Europe on 29th Novemeber 2022
 Dora presented the theme of a statute on European Citizenship, EU Citizenship political rights and ideas about the future of EU Citizenship at the conference on putting European Citizenship on the EU's political agenda.
 Conference on Unaccompanied Minors on 23rd Nov 2022
 Dora delivered a keynote address entitled Unaccompanied Children Outside the Level Telling Field and Protection Systems at a conference organised by Dr. Moritz Jesse and Dr. Mark Klaassen at Europa Institute/ Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Leiden University. It was supported by the Dutch association for migration research.
'Academic Cyberbullying', a new article by Dora Kostakopoulou and Morteza Mahmoudi, has been published by the LANCET journal eClinicalMedicine.
The paper discusses the new phase of academic bullying manifested in the use of digital technologies and militaristic psychological operations. Their physical and psychological effects are so health-harming and the violation of the human rights of the targeted academic is so profound that bullying and cyberbullying must be criminalised.
The Past, The Present and Future of EU Citizenship
Dora delivered a lecture on the past, present and future of EU citizenship at Utrecht Law School on 11 October 2022
A Master class on Research Methodology
This master class taught by Dora Kostakopoulou invites PhD students from politics, international relations, sociology, history and law to a discussion on research methodology.
Visiting Scholar at Amsterdam Law School
Dora is in Amsterdam this Autumn as a visiting scholar. From mid September to October, Dora will be giving a variety of events at UvA.
'Social Innovation. Replacing the Mismeasure of Integration'
'Social innovation. Replacing the mismeasure of integration' by L. Klerenbeek, D. Kostakopoulou and T. de Lange is the title of research presented by Dora during the symposium on the Zero-sum game of economic migration: Integration through rights?, Migration and Refugees Research Network, Oxford Brookes University, 12 September 2022, Oxford. The article will appear in the Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law in 2023.
'UACES conference at the Catholic University of Lille. September 2022
Dora presented her thoughts on Brexit and the 'othering' of EU citizens in the UK at the annual conference of UACES on 6 Sepember 2022 at the Catholic University of Lille, France.
'Breaking the silence around academic harassment' 
 HORIZON 2022 – INVOLVE project has been successful under the DEMOCRACY call
INVOLVE examines how long-term inequalities within and across European countries affect support for democracy, trust and political participation through advanced quantitative and qualitative analysis. Its aims is to develop a comprehensive model for the study of the relationship among  multidimensional inequalities, political trust and political participation. Congratulations to Beweging, KU Leuven and partners!  
 When A Country Is Not A Home
Dora presented her paper on 'When a Country is not a Home' at the 28th International Conference for Europeanists, 'The Environment of Democracy', June 29 - July 1, Lisbon Portugal. 
Project Ukraine War: The Temporary Protection Directive
FRA's Scientific Committee Conference in Berlin
Horizon 2020 - Opportunities -Horizon 2020 Project: Policy Outputs
Horizon 2020 - Opportunities Project

The Opportunities project commenced in Spring 2021. It aims at promoting a forward-looking and constructive debate on migration and integration based on a fair dialogue and the articulation of new narratives on migration and living together under democratic humanism. Dora is the leader of Work Package 9 on the policy implications of this European Commission funded project.

Teaching New Modules

In Spring term 2021, Dora taught 3 12-week modules on Nationalism and Citizenship, EU Citizenship, Law and Policy, and Law, Governance and Democracy at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest


In Spring term 2021, Dora delivered presentations at the University of Amsterdam, European Studies Centre and at the conference on EU Values, Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in Thessaloniki, Greece. 

Justice, Individual Empowerment and the Principle of Non-regression in the European Union

Dora's paper which is entitled Justice, Individual Empowerment and

the Principle of Non-regression in the European Union has been published by the European Law Review. Read it here

Updates through the Pandemic

During the pandemic, Dora delivered presentations at webminars and workshops organised by CEPS (Brussels), ECIT (Brussels) and the Turin Winter School. She discussed racism and discrimination in the EU, the future of EU Citizenship and Public Order and Public Security in EU Law: A Conceptual Appraisal.

Dora published her reflections on the EU Citizenship Report 2020. Read it here

Dora published a report on the European Commission's initiatives on the rule of law, the strengthening of the EU Charter and the action plan on European democracy. Read it here

Chair of the Scientific Committee of FRA

Dora has been elected as the Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU. 

Visiting Scholar in Residence at Amsterdam University

Dora will be Visiting Scholar in Residence at Amsterdam University in academic year 2020/2021. She will be affiliated with the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies and their distinctive research priority area entitled 'Diverse Europe'. Dora will be giving PhD masterclasses, a public lecture and research seminars on national populism and the future of Europe. 

In 2020/21, Dora will be a guest Professor at KU Leuven

At KU Leuven Dora will conduct research for the Horizon 2020 Opportunities Programme. She will be focusing on the policy implications of the innovative research that will be carried out on migration and integration in the European Union Member States.

New Research Monograph

Dora's new research monograph, entitled EU Citizenship Law and Policy. Beyond Brexit has been published by Edward Elgar (2020).

Dora reflects on the impact and effects of Covid-19

Dora reflects on the impact and effects of Covid-19 - you can read it here

Legal and Political Concepts as Contextures

Dora's thoughts on the 'life of concepts' has been published by The Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy (2020)

For Dora's new reflections on Brexit, please visit the Policy-related Publications section of the website or click here

Autumn Presentations

In Autumn 2019, Dora delivered presentations at the University of Lisbon, IDC and Conrad Adenauer Stifrung, Herzliya, European University Institute, CEPS Brussels, University of Ghent and University of Amsterdam.

EU Citizenship Enigma Variations, Mushrooming Historical Time and Emancipation

Reflections on the debate on Eurozenship: Pro and Contra, Global Governance Programme, European University Institute, Florence, Italy and on Verfassungsblog.

Dora Kostakopoulou commenting on the promise of the Maastricht Treaty - Sputnik News
Eurozenship: Pro and Contra

Dora commented on the promise of the Maastricht Treaty and the future of democracy in Europe in early February 2019.

Dora argued for Eurozenship, that is, an autonomous European Union citizenship in the context of a debate published by Verfassungsblog earlier this year. You could read her arguments here.

Mini-Symposium on EU Citizenship in the Shadow of Brexit

Dora took part in the European Law Blog's Symposium on EU Citizenship in the Shadow of Brexit. You can read her contribution entitled '(EU Withdrawal) Texts, Pretexts and Epignosis in the United Kingdom'. 

25th Anniversary of Maastricht Treaty and the Maastricht Manifesto (Link)

The Treaty on European Union entered into force on the 1st of November 1993. Maastricht University in collaboration with the Province Limburg and the New Europeans celebrated the successes of the Treaty and discussed the challenges for the European Union. Dora spoke about the importance of European Union Citizenship and the ideal of a united Europe in this forum which culminated in the presentation and signature of the Maastricht Manifesto.

Justice, Injustice and Brexit and EU Citizenship Rights in the Shadow of Brexit

Dora delivered a keynote at the Conference 'Justice, Injustice and Brexit' organised by City University on 19 October 2018 and spoke about the implications of Brexit for citizens at the workshop on EU Citizenship Rights in the Shadow of Brexit organised by The Federal Trust and New Europeans at Europe House on 22 October 2018.

Toward European Citizenship Law? Keynote at the EUI Workshop

Dora delivered a keynote on an autonomous European Union Citizenship beyond Brexit and the nation state on the 8th of October 2018 at an event organised by Jules Lepoutre and Liav Orgad at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence. 

Promoting an Inclusive Europe and Shrinking European Citizenry with Brexit (link)

Dora took part in Public Policy Exchange’s symposium on ‘Promoting an Inclusive Europe: Supporting the Effective Integration of non-EU Migrants’, in Brussels on 6 September 2018. She also chaired a public event at the Press Club (Brussels) on Brexit and EU Citizenship and a panel on the forthcoming European elections at ECIT's conference at the Committee of the Regions. 

Scientific Committee of the Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU Appointment (link)

Dora Kostakopoulou has been appointed as a member of the Scientific Committee of the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union 

Post-Brexit Immigration and Asylum Policy

Dora took part at the Public Policy Exchange Symposium on Post-Brexit Immigration and Asylum Policy: Preparing for Change and Enhancing Local Authorities Asylum Strategies, London, 20 February 2018.

European Parliament, LIBE Mini-Hearing on European Citizenship

Dora spoke on EU citizenship and its relation to fundamental rights at the mini hearing of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs on 19 February 2018.

Institutional Constructivism in Social Sciences and Law: Frames of Mind, Patterns of Change.

Dora Kostakopoulou's new monograph is forthcoming with Cambridge University Press. In it, Dora is discussing research methodology and outlines her Connexio Rerum model. 

To Vima (Greece), Liberation (France) and Sputnik International (Russia)

Dora commented on the impact of Brexit on UK nationals living abroad.

'Imagine: European Union Social Citizenship and Post-Marshallian Rights and Duties'

Dora Kostakopoulou took part in the EUDO debate on the future of EU Citizenship

Dora Kostakopoulou in the News - The Guardian (UK) and El Iberico (Spain).

Dora was quoted on the rising citizenship applications of UK nationals living in the EU. She was also interviewed by Sputnik News World Service (Russia).

Recent Papers

Professor Dora Kostakopoulou delivered papers on humanism, EU Citizenship and Brexit, the expulsion of EU citizens and on the methodology of social sciences and law at the UACES 47th Annual Conference (Krakow, 4-6 September 2017), the ECPR 11th General Conference (Oslo, 6-9 September 2017) and Manchester University Law School (18 October 2017). She also took part in plenary roundtables at the Jagiellonian University (5 September 2017) and Aston University's Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence launch event (12 October 2017).

Dora Kostakopoulou’s article on ‘Citizenship Templates Post-Brexit’ will be published by the Journal of Common Market Studies.

In this, Dora explores the advantages and disadvantages of possible citizenship templates and proposes an ‘EU protected citizen’ status for EU citizens living in the UK and UK nationals living in the EU. The article can be read at

Dora Kostakopoulou delivered two Keynotes at University College Dublin in May and July 2017

The first was entitled ‘Who is my Neighbour and Fellow Citizen?’ and was delivered at the Conference on Relationships and Responsibilities in honour of I. Honohan’s work on 24 May 2017. The second was based on Brexit and was delivered at the Jean Monnet EUROMEC International Conference on 15 July 2017.

Professor Dora Kostakopoulou took part in the High-Level Technical Meeting on Addressing the Root Causes of Migration.

This fed into the Ministerial Conference on Strengthening Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation through Research and Innovation in Valetta, Malta, on 3-4 May 2017. The Ministerial conference adopted the Valetta Declaration on 4 May 2017 in the presence of Mr Carlos Moedas, Member of the European Commission responsible for Research, Science and Innovation. The Valetta Declaration contains commitments undertaken by the Member States to strengthen PRIMA (partnership for research and innovation in the Mediterranean Area), BLUEMED, and the role of research and innovation in understanding migration and integration

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